In the 10th of May,Golden business Magazine for the second time hosted a workshop with the presence of international leaders and professors and more than 400 owners and managers of the Shopping Centers, executive managers of the brands and beneficiaries of this fieldShopping Centers in the Hotel Parsian,Evin, Tehran.
At the beginning of the ceremony, Shahrokh Keshavarz, founder and owner of the GOLDEN BUSINESS Magazine, talk about this matter that the aim of organizing is knowledge increasing , transferring the international knowledge to country and mastering managers of the ShoppingCenters to the retail industry. In the meantime, lecturers from the largest chain stores of Iran, Chapman Taylor company, Global Retail Academy, the brand ADL and brand okaidi had a speech.
DR Rasoul Mohammadi (vice president of the Refah chain stores, Iran's largest chain store) said: "During the 10-year plan, Refah faces a rapid growth, with a growth of 100% last year and we expect to grow 145% this year." As of today, 220 branches of chain stores are active in the country, and by the end of the year, 600 Refah chain stores, called Dill Market and Refah Market, are also opening .
Prakash Menon (founder and CEO of GLOBAL RETAIL ACADEMY) is concerned about the lack of interest of employees as one of the reasons for the fall of some retailers, the unanimity of the company's CEO strategies that will be problematic, having good ideas for success, paying attention to employee productivity and conversion Potentialcustomer to the actual is important.
DR Reza Samizadeh (CEO OF NIRVAN COMPANY DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS ) talk about the emergence of new paradigms in the retail world and cited the inability to touch and sense the product as a result of which the customer was reluctant to buy online and the other paradigm raised the Franchise business models.
Another international lecturer at the ceremony, Gem Dino ( Manager of the international sector of Adl retail ), considered the most important part of the retail industry is the a chance to restore human sensation to the system, and its existence in the culture of an organization is essential. He addressed the guests and presenters managers at the ceremony, saying: "Strengthen all local brands, because the success of a shopping center will not happen by importing successful foreign brands.
After Mr. Dino's speech ended, Mr. Shahrokh Keshavarz again came to the stage and invited some successful brand owners in the country and managers of the shopping centers to create a panel.
After the end of this panel, Mr. John Dijkema (Chapman Taylor company senior manager) cited the customers as the main personalities of interest in the shoppingcenters and mention in necessaryto inject a sense of tranquility into their souls, creating a space for families to stay together and application of diversity in the design of this space should be of interest to managers.
And in the end, Nina Bejenaru (CEO of IRETAILCO) said: Brand is not just a commodity, not an identity and symbol, but a trust that is created for customers and to build or forget it a lot of time is needed.
It should be noted that the impressive acceptance of the owners of the shopping centers and the managers of the brands, who was eager to learn the latest achievements of the retail industry, was a remarkable and worthwhile point of the ceremony that gave pleasure to the international speakers.
At the end of the ceremony, gifts were given to the guests and international speakers who were present at the ceremony.